Mathpix for Collaboration

Simple and powerful solution for teams to work on math and science projects together.

Collaboration hero
Collaboration hero

Unlimited documents

Create and collaborate on an unlimited number of scientific notes—perfect for educators and students.

Pro Plan

Easy sharing

Share your math and science documents with others via email or by generating a shareable link.


Team alignment

We make sure every contributor has access to the latest version of shared content.

Editor features

Insert Snips and images

The editor allows to insert converted Snips from the sidebar to your Note. You can also drag and drop images into an editor and watch them get automatically converted to LaTeX, Markdown, TSV, and other formats.

Insert Snips


Mathpix Snip automatically suggests completions for your LaTeX expressions, helping you save time and stay focused on your work. With a few clicks, you can select the suggestion that best matches what you're looking for, and insert it into your document.


Smart Search

Distinguish between owned and shared Notes via the dropdown filter. Search through your documents using text or math as a search term.

Search Notes

Unlimited Export

Each collaborator is able to export the Note to other formats like DOCX, LaTeX, HTML, and more anytime. Create once, convert as many times as you want.

Export Notes

Resources and guides

Share menu in Snip

Mathpix Snip Web Docs

Full guide about collaboration features in Mathpix Snip web app.

Go to Docs
Inviting collaborators to edit a Note in Snip mobile app for Android

Snip on iOS

Collaborative editing on iOS devices.

Go to Docs
Inviting collaborators to edit a Note in Snip mobile app for iOS

Snip on Android

Collaborative editing on Android devices.

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