Wide Conversion Capabilities

Math equations to DOCX

The fastest way to insert math into MS Word documents. Take a screenshot of an equation with Mathpix Snip, then copy MathML string to paste it into your workflow or export as a separate .docx file.Equation to DOCX.

Image to LaTeX

AI-powered image to LaTeX converter, which can easily extract math and tables from PDF documents and convert them to LaTeX. Compatible with your favourite editors like Snip, Overleaf, and TexMaker.Equation to LaTeX.

Table Conversion

Forget about manually retyping tabular data and convert tables to TSV, LaTeX, and Markdown blazingly fast.Convert table to Markdown.

Chemistry to SMILES

The Snip desktop app supports converting printed and handwritten chemical diagrams into canonical SMILES code.Convert chemical diagram to SMILES.

Work across your devices

All your files sync automatically on all the devices. Great for working on scientific documents: take a Snip with a desktop app and insert it to a Note using the web / mobile / tablet apps.