Table to LaTeX

Converting tabular data has never been so easy! Just take a screenshot of your table and instantly get it in LaTeX tabular format. Save tons of time while working on STEM documents using our highly accurate OCR-powered LaTeX Table Generator.

Works on simple and complex tables
Works on printed and handwritten tables
Edit tables in-app or export to your favorite tool

The best table recognition for math and science

Mathpix is the only table converter with high-accuracy OCR features developed specifically for scientific documents like research papers

Simple Tables

Simple Table

Complex Tables

Complex Table

Handwritten Tables

Handwritten Table

How to convert tables to LaTeX

A diagram showing table to LaTeX conversion

1. Use Snip to take a screenshot of the table.

2. Check your Snip result and click on the LaTeX format to copy to the clipboard.

3. Paste the table directly into your document.

Get Started


Mathpix OCR

Mathpix provides image recognition for the biggest Edtech companies in the world.

Our image processing APIs are easy to implement and works on all platforms.

API request

{ "src": "", "formats": ["text", "data", "html"], "data_options": { "include_asciimath": true } }
Example table

API response:

{ "request_id": "2022_04_08_b5a13427dd8d5c264501g", "is_printed": true, "is_handwritten": false, "auto_rotate_confidence": 0.000002384180106673739, "auto_rotate_degrees": 0, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "confidence_rate": 0.99951171875, "text": "\\begin{tabular}{lrrrrr}\n\\hline AAS & DM & LM & MDM & MLM & Discarded \\\\\n\\hline 237 & 146 & 130 & 23 & 188 & 275 \\\\\n238 & 35 & 34 & 6 & 52 & 127 \\\\\n\\hline \\hline & 181 & 164 & 29 & 240 & 402 \\\\\n\\hline\n\\end{tabular}", "html": "
\n", "data": [] }
Rendered table

Our partners choose Mathpix over AWS Textract, Google Vision API, and Azure Computer Vision for converting images to LaTeX.

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