Mathpix for Edtech

Intelligent OCR for smarter and faster learning

Mathpix for Edtech hero

Mathpix helps educators, students, and institutions improve learning experiences and support better engagement with scientific content.

Mathpix for Edtech hero

Used by the world's top growing companies

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The experience that you and your customers deserve

Accuracy icon

Unmatched accuracy

Achieve 99%+ accuracy when extracting complex content such as tables and handwritten notes.

Privacy icon

Compliant data processing

Sensitive research data is processed with end-to-end encryption and meet compliance standards like SOC 2.

Reliability icon

Battle-tested reliability

We process over 10 million images every day. Our system is battle-tested and reliable with 99.9%+ uptime.

Extract data

Extract any data

Use Mathpix OCR to accurately extract chemical formulas, math equations, and diagrams from PDFs and scanned research papers.

Digital ink

Digital ink for real-time results

Draw math and tables using digital ink to experiment, refine, and correct content on the fly.

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Explore our apps

Access Mathpix across multiple platforms designed to fit your workflow—whether you’re in the classroom, at home, or on the go.

Web app

AI-powered digital workspace with convenient document search and PDF conversion tools.

Link →

Desktop app

Our Snipping Tool works best for quick image conversion like image to LaTeX and other conversion tasks.

Link →

Chrome extension

Add PDFs directly from your browser to create an editable, searchable document cloud.

Link →


Image & PDF digitizing software for STEM companies. Make creating and searching STEM content easy for your end users.

Link →

Why Mathpix?

End-to-end encryption
Specialized OCR for complex content
Seamless integration
100% of your data is compliant
Scalable for enterprise needs
Accelerated processing time