Our customers frequently encounter images that contains words. To support text more naturally, and especially multi-lined text, we now offer the text format. If you include “text” it in the formats API input, you shall get a field resultJson.text which will be in math mode. This format uses newline characters to compose multi line equations and paragraphs of text, using
\( ... \)
delimiters for inline math, and \[ ... \]
delimiters for block level math. These can be preprocessed as necessary to work with whatever markup delimiters your environment supports (e.g. $$
and $
for MathJax). For example, the following equation:
is represented as:
How do you multiply \( \frac { 7 x } { 5 x + 15 } \cdot \frac { x + 3 } { 8 } ? \)
in text mode, and:

is represented as:
Solve the equation.
\( \log _ { 3 } ( 2 x - 3 ) = \log _ { 3 } ( x + 5 ) \)
in text mode (note the new line character!).